Well I am no longer selling any of my scripts or anything I make. With the economy the way it is I didn't make enough to eat out at a nice restaurant one night. My hard drive crashed and I lost everything so that didn't help either. New grandbabies in my life too. I really don't know if I will be making anything else.
So I want everyone to enjoy these scripts. I rewrote my TOU so you can use my freebies for CU now. If you download any of my older scripts, or have in the past, please download the updated TOU over on the right.
Works with solid colors or gradients.
Dahlia ScriptPassword - mousey

There are two scripts. Each give you the option to choose the main color of your flower. One script will let you choose a solid color of choice of center of flower while the other will let your choose a color of choice to compliment the edges of the center. The flower is not merged with the leaves in case you want to use the flower by itself or add a drop shadow, etc.
Dimple Flower ScriptPassword - mousey

This script allows you to choose the color of the paper and the lines.
Notepad ScriptPassword - mousey

The crumple effect is part of the script along with the curl. You will get to choose the color of the paper and the color of the lines.
Note Paper ScriptPassword - mousey

Use a solid color, gradient or pattern to get your pencils to match your scrapkits.
Pencil Script Password - mousey
Choose a solid color for the flower and a color for the center.
Pretty Daisy Script Password - mousey
Two scripts are included with this one. They look very similar with the only difference being shadowing on the petals. Certain colors need darker shadows. You can choose from solid colors, gradients, or patterns.